New Public Art Committee announces its first project

In 2017, a local artist began secretly placing colorfully painted cows throughout Old Town Orcutt. They mysteriously popped up all over town; some were gifted to businesses. The cows have brought joy to folks of all ages. Now, the Orcutt cow artist is out of the barn and OTORA has started a Public Arts Committee!

Our first project is the “Old Town Orcutt Cow Pasture.” It will be an art installation of nearly life-size, painted cows installed in a pasture setting in Old Town Orcutt. The cows will all be different and commissioned from different local artists. The setting will be accessible to the community – folks may meander through the pasture to view the cows up close, take photos, and purely enjoy. Each artist will be given a $1,000 stipend to create/paint and for paint/supplies. The committee will work with the artist to approve their concept/design so we have a variety of cows in the pasture. There is also a cost associated with the cow substrate material and cutting the cow shape which is approximately $500. Lastly, there is a cost to ready the land/pasture for installation (grading, landscaping, ranch fencing, cow installation, donor signage) which will be raised from direct donations/sponsorships.

Two “pasture” locations are being considered and both may be utilized. One is on Clark Avenue near Foxenwood Lane before the monument entrance sign on the right. The second is at the entrance to S. Marcum Street where the OTO Farmers Market is held. The locations will be reviewed in coordination with the land owner, County Supervisor Bob Nelson's Office, and Santa Barbara County Public Works. The project will be funded by OTORA, art grant(s), partnerships, and sponsorships. The project starts moooo-ving in May 2024 with anticipated completion by the end of the year.

Contact Mia Relyea at 805-598-0654 or to get involved!


Picnic Under the Oaks was a tremendous success!